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Your antenatal care

Congratulations on your pregnancy.

The High Peak midwifery team aim to offer you all the support and advice you require.

Contact telephone numbers

  • Midwife: 01298 212 217
    • Please note that when not on duty this phone is switched off – please leave a message and she will get back to you as soon as she can.
  • Early Pregnancy Unit Stockport (under 16 weeks): 0161 419 4721
  • Pregnancy Triage Stockport (for gestations over 16 weeks): 0161 419 5551

When informing us that you are pregnant is no longer essential to see the GP.

Instead please complete a pregnancy notification form online.

Your midwife, Jayne Thornton, is part of the High Peak midwifery team who are responsible for providing maternity care in this area.

Once your details have been passed onto the midwife she will contact you to arrange an appointment, this will be held around 8-10 weeks of your pregnancy.

Before registering your pregnancy with the midwife it is important that you are aware of the points outlined below.


Full up to date dietary advice including supplements can be found here:

Whooping cough vaccine

It`s recommended that you get vaccinated after 16 weeks.

Seasonal flu vaccine

It’s recommended you are vaccinated. Ask your midwife or practice nurse who can do this.


For current NHS guidance:

If you need extra support we can refer you to Derbyshire Stop Smoking: 0800 085 2299.


If you live or work on a farm or with livestock you can find up to date guidance here:


If at any time you experience vaginal bleeding contact the midwife who will refer you to Early Pregnancy Unit.

Before you see your midwife you may wish to consider your options of where to give birth, this may change if you are considered to be at high risk.

Home birth

Home birth is an option for all low risk women.

Stepping Hill Hospital, Stockport

0161 419 5551

This has a birth centre which is led by midwifes for all low risk women. They have relaxing rooms that are fully equipped for labour and delivery which include 4 birthing pools. They also have a delivery suite for high risk women or women that require caesarean sections. There is also a neonatal intensive care unit.

With either option you can still receive your scans, screening blood tests and antenatal care in the community. We currently have a weekly consultant clinic held in Buxton.

Macclesfield Maternity Unit, East Cheshire

01625 661 160

This has similar facilities for labour and delivery as Stockport however they only have a special care baby unit. If you choose Macclesfield you will attend their bookings, scans, anomaly screening test, bloods and consultant clinics. We will provide local antenatal appointments. You will still need to complete a pregnancy booking form at the surgery. Other consultant units are available and can be searched for via the Choices website.

Other Choices:

At your appointment

We will discuss further antenatal care, blood screening, past medical history, surgical, family and obstetric history, antenatal classes and infant feeding. You will have your blood pressure and blood taken with your consent and a scan arranged. Urine samples are also to be done. Your husband/partner or relative is very welcome to attend any appointment with you if you wish.

Other useful websites:

Page published: 18 July 2024
Last updated: 18 July 2024