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Practice team

Practice Manager – Lucy Padkin

Operations Manager – Kate Turner

Reception Manager – Georgina Wilkinson

Assistant practice manager – Michelle Nutbrown (Maternity Leave)

Reception Team

Tracey B, Steph J, Helen H, Helen G, Anne H.

Our friendly, approachable reception team will assist you in making emergency and routine appointments to see a doctor, practice nurse or health care assistant, manage and process repeat prescriptions, answer numerous and varied queries, offering help and assistance at all times.

It is a legal requirement that confidentiality of patients’ records is maintained at the highest level by all staff.

Referral administrator

Joanne W is our referrals administrator, she processes the referrals for our patients, please keep any letters or SMS messages that we send regarding your referral as this will contain important booking information such as reference and password. You will need the reference and password for corresponding with the hospital in the first instance.

Document administration team

Fran S – processes all incoming documents from hospitals, patient coding,

Deborah L – processes private reports and forms etc.

Care co-ordinator

…… ……… is our care co-ordinator, she looks after our patient’s wider care needs in cooperation with the social prescribers, district nurses, adult care and other associated community staff.

Community Healthcare Professionals

Associated health care professionals closely work alongside the team at Arden House Medical Practice.

Primary Care Network Team

Social Prescribers – work with the practice team to offer practical support to patients

Dementia Support workers – work closely with the doctors and care co-ordinator to provide support to patients and their relatives.

Mental Health Worker – work with patients to support, develop coping skills and access appropriate services.

Pharmacist Hub – support practices with medication changes, hospital discharge letters, structured medication reviews, long term condition prescribing.

Cancer Care co-ordinator – carry out cancer care reviews, ensure patients have access to support and information

District nurses, Midwife and Health Visitors

Community midwives – have weekly clinics in practice, if you are pregnant, go to the maternity services link on the website and complete a form which we will forward to the midwife and the midwife will contact you.

District nurses – visit housebound patients in their homes, giving practical assistance or offering professional advice. Each patient’s needs are assessed and the care/treatment is planned accordingly. District Nurse hub – 01332 564900

Health visitors – monitor the growth and development of children. They offer guidance on all aspects of child health and childcare. To contact the health visitors, please call 01246 515100.

Page published: 5 May 2023
Last updated: 27 January 2025