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Teaching and training

At Arden House Medical Practice we are proud to be a training practice for doctors in training to become GPs and also medical students. 

Specialist GP trainees

As a training practice since August 2021, the practice provides placements for specialist GP trainees. These are fully qualified doctors who have already spent several years working in hospital and chosen to train as GPs. GP Specialist training scheme consists of a further 3 years of training posts, working in both hospital and General Practice. They spend 6 months in a practice in either the 1st or 2nd year of this scheme, and the 3rd final year is spent entirely in General Practice. As fully qualified doctors they are able to see patients independently, but always have a GP available during each surgery to check any queries with.

Dr Halls is the named GP trainer with overall responsibility for these trainees.

A key part of their training is developing consultation (communication) skills. One of the best ways to do this is to video consultations for review with their trainer. You may therefore be asked for consent to video your consultation from time to time. The following points explain this further.

  • The video is only of you and the doctor talking together.
  • The focus is on reviewing the doctors consultation skills.
  • No intimate examination will be done in front of the camera.
  • All video recordings are carried out according to guidelines issued by the General Medical Council.
  • You do not have to agree to your consultation with the doctor being recorded.
  • If you would prefer not to then this is not a problem, and will not affect your consultation in any way.

Medical students

From time to time we have medical students on placement with the practice. These are students from the University of Manchester who are training to be doctors. Experience in General Practice is a key part of their training. They come to us at different stages of training and what they can do is tailored according to their level of training. They may be sitting in on GP or nurse clinics to observe and learn. If the doctor or nurse has a student with them, you will always be asked in advance if you are happy with this and have the opportunity to say no. If you would prefer they weren’t in the consultation then this is absolutely fine and this will not affect your care in any way.

Sometimes you may be asked if you are willing to see the student first to give them the opportunity to practice talking to patients. If this happens you will always be seen jointly with a GP afterwards. Again, there is no obligation to agree to seeing a student.

Page published: 18 July 2024
Last updated: 27 January 2025